Women's Squash League

Squash playing women and girls: Are you interested in playing matches against other women and girls throughout the winter season?

Seattle Squash would like to run a women's league, playing once or twice a month on Sunday afternoons with the matches followed by a social hour and including a women's pro exhibition.  We will play all matches at the same club each month for a fun social atmosphere.

We will create multi-level teams, similar to the summer league, where each team has an A, B, C, and D player.  So, no need to create a team to join the league, we will place you on a team so that the teams have equal playing levels and the matches will be the most competitive.

We plan to start the league in mid-October.

Let us know how you like this idea and whether you have additional suggestions for the league.

Fill out our interest survey form.


Tickets to the Bellevue Invitational


It's a wrap! Congratulations to our 2018 Winter League Winners!