Howe Cup 2019
Howe Cup in Seattle! Click on Photo Gallery to see event photos.
Seattle hosted the 2019 Howe Cup during November 15-17, the largest squash event for women in the nation. Forty-four teams of five each competed in four divisions. You can see photos from the event by clicking Photo Gallery on the home page.
Washington State Open 2019
We are excited to bring back the Washington State Open to start the 2019-2020 Squash Season. We will be hosting the tournament at the Columbia Athletic Club Juanita Bay with overflow at the Seattle Athletic Club Northgate the weekend of October 25-27, 2019.
2019-2020 Winter League
We will be holding a captains (and anyone interested) meeting on Tuesday Oct 1, 2019 at 7pm at the Seattle Athletic Club Downtown. Please join Eric Williams, our new League Administrator, at this time to find out about league this year, provide feedback and meet your fellow captains.
Howe Cup 2019 Coming to Seattle!
We are excited to report that the Howe Cup 2019 will be held in Seattle at the Seattle Athletic Club, Downtown.
Chaired by Lulu Chou, this has been a year in the making and the SSRA looks forward to supporting the Howe Cup team and Seattle Athletic Club as they make preparations for the event.
SAC Squash Softball Doubles Open 2019
On March 22nd - 23rd the Seattle Athletic Club will host their softball doubles open. Entry deadline is March 18th at 12pm and the entry fee is $60 / player, which includes refreshments, Friday evening drinks, Saturday dinner & drinks, and a tournament t-shirt.