Seattle Squash Winter League
Winter league 2023-2024 is active! Pay and register here: Signup and Pay.
Matches are played at Home teams assigned venue. Click button below to view upcoming matches.
Start times (Early reservations for league are not permitted)
PRO Club - Not participating. This may change!?
Seattle Athletic Club - Downtown and Northgate - 7:30pm
WAC and Columbia Athletic Club - 7:00pm
Due to the Covid pandemic, our 2021-2022 Winter League was cancelled.
Due to the Covid pandemic, our 2020-2021 Winter League was cancelled.
Winter League 2019-2020 hosted a total of 21 teams in three divisions, with lots of exciting matches! Regular play was nearly complete when clubs were forced to close due to the pandemic, which meant disappointment that playoffs couldn’t be held. Winners and runners-up were therefore determined based on matches played. Members of the winning team in each division received a $100 gift certificate, and those on the runner-up team got $50 gift certificates. Congratulations to all players who competed, and many thanks to the host clubs for all their hospitality!
This year’s Winter League had 22 teams overall competing in the three divisions. Congratulations to all the players who made this such a success, and many thanks to the host clubs for their generosity and hospitality.
There were 22 teams competing in three divisions in Winter League 2017-2018, with plenty of exciting matches and tension filled playoffs!
Winter League 2016-2017 featured 22 teams in three divisions, with outstanding play all around!