League Round 1 Complete
Round 1 of the league season kicked off on Tuesday night. This year we have a solid line up with 3 divisions and most clubs in the region competing. This season we are also introducing a new online system, and we're answering a few of the most common queries about this below.
A couple of things to help you along the way with the new online system:
Entering Results
Anyone on your team can actually enter results this season. While it's usually the team captain (or co-captain) that ends up entering results, this functionality is available to all team members to help try speed up the time it takes to get results entered online.
To enter results, login to your SportyHQ account and then go to the league page (https://www.sportyhq.com/league/view/137). On the main league page, you should see a field to "Enter Results" next to your team's name in the standings table. You can also find a results entry button on your team's page, which you can access by clicking on your team's name in the league standings table.
Initial Rankings
Many of you have asked about US Squash ratings and we're committed to updating this data. We're hoping US squash will make this process less labor intensive for us, but for now the committee will periodically update the results in US Squash so that your US rating will continue to be maintained. Please be patient with this as this is a time-consuming process. SportyHQ also has a ranking system that you may find to be equally as useful within the region. We'd appreciate your feedback as the season progressing and you start to accumulate match history within the system. Now that the league is underway, we'll be setting everyone's initial ranking in SportyHQ based on your division and position within your team. Expect to see this updated in the next several days.
Live Scoring
SportyHQ has a free scoring app called "Score Squash" that you can find on the Apple App Store (click here) and Google Play store (click here). In the next few weeks, there'll be an update to the app so that you can login to the app and then live score league matches. As you enter results, they get posted to the system in real time, and the league match is automatically recorded when you complete it, so that your captain won't have to enter the result in manually. We'll send an announcement out when this update is made available to the Seattle league.
US Squash Membership
US Squash membership is still required to play in the Seattle Squash League.. The primary reason for this is that it provides insurance to you while playing league matches. In addition, the revenue generated does help to support our activities, as part of your membership is sent back to Seattle Squash. If you haven't renewed yet, please take a moment to do so through the US Squash website.
Many thanks for supporting the league this season, and if there is anything we can do to help, please let us know.